Nana Beth (Bartling) and Pop Pop (John Mathias Lane)

Earl Francis's Mother and Father

Well, they had five boys in our scrapbooking until we heard from our half-great-uncle Bob who pointed us in the direction of the 1910 Census where we see that August John Henry Bartling was a machinist and had six sons!

Hannah Elizabeth Duffield had been born on the 9th day of August 1869 in Blackwood, New Jersey to her parents George W. Duffield and Beulah Ann Hannah (nee Cooper) Duffield.

So Hannah was eighteen years old when she married to August John Henry Bartling.

August John Henry Bartling, remember, was born in PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA but HIS FATHER, Heinrich Conrad Bartling had been born in Friedrichsburg 5, Hessen, PRUSSIA.  Heinrich Conrad Bartling had married Caroline Eggers and they'd given birth to ONE CHILD, our August John Henry Bartling on the 27th of July in 1868.  It is also noted (at that Heinrich Conrad Bartling died in Philadelphia.  So we can say that one Bartling son was born to a home in Philadelphia and one Bartling son "went home" to heaven from Philadelphia.

By the time that August John Henry Bartling married Hannah Elizabeth in 1887,
Samuel Duffield had SIX SISTERS!
He was THE BOY in the stack of seven children that George W. and Beulah Ann Hannah had together.

They were all born in Blackwood, New Jersey.

Samuel was the fourth, born in 1865.
He came after Mary the eldest (born in 1859), and Annie -- she was born in '62,
and thirdly Rosalie Ella Duffield who was born in 1863.

When Samuel came as number four he got named for his mother's father--SAMUEL COOPER, probably because his father was already another GEORGE W. DUFFIELD (the one born in Philadelphia on 25 MAY 1832).  With three older sisters as 'nother mothers I doubt little Samuel complained.

FIFTH came our HANNAH ELIZABETH to mark the end of the decade.

Two years into the 1870's along came Reina.  Beulah Ann Hannah was almost done...

Until it was 1874 and there came the littlest sister and the last Duffield in the bunch--

SHE was

Minnie Duffield!